Our program is specifically designed to prepare you for the HESI Exit and HESI Specialty Exams.
Unlike most NCLEX prep programs, our questions are developed based on the actual HESI conceptual framework for the development of critical thinking test items, in addition to the NCSBN NCLEX blueprints.
After development, our questions are scientifically analyzed through an item analysis process as developed and used by HESI. In addition, our questions are constantly updated and improved based on the feedback of thousands of nursing students, all to ensure we offer the best and most up-to-date HESI exam practice questions possible.
As a result, many students find our program to be the most realistic practice opportunity before taking their exam.
Based on our 90%+ student success rate* we are confident our program will help you. We are the only test prep program that offers a full Success Guarantee for the HESI Exit Exam. We’ll help you score 900 or more - or your money back.